[1]徐 凯,解晓吼,王爱盛,等.钕系顺丁橡胶BR 9101 N在缺气保用轮胎支撑胶配方中的应用[J].合成橡胶工业,2023,6:519-524.
XU Kai,XIE Xiao-hou,WANG Ai-sheng,et al.Application of neodymium butadiene rubber BR 9101 N in the formula of support compound of run-flat tire[J].China synthetic rubber industy,2023,6:519-524.
钕系顺丁橡胶BR 9101 N在缺气保用轮胎支撑胶配方中的应用(PDF)
- 期数:
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- Title:
Application of neodymium butadiene rubber BR 9101 N in the formula of support compound of run-flat tire
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
徐 凯; 解晓吼; 王爱盛; 陈建军
山东华盛橡胶有限公司,山东 广饶 257300
- Author(s):
XU Kai; XIE Xiao-hou; WANG Ai-sheng; CHEN Jian-jun
Shandong Huasheng Rubber Co Ltd, Guangrao 257300, China
- 关键词:
钕系顺丁橡胶; 缺气保用轮胎; 支撑胶; 物理机械性能; 老化性能; 高速耐久性能; 强度性能; 零气压耐久性能
- Keywords:
neodymium based cis-1; 4-polybutadiene rubber; run-flat tire; support compound; physical and mechanical property; aging performance; high-speed durability; strength performance; zero-pressure durability
- 分类号:
TQ 333.2
- DOI:
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- 摘要:
研究了钕系顺丁橡胶(Nd-BR)BR 9101 N在缺气保用轮胎支撑胶配方中的应用,并与国外同类型Nd-BR CB 24进行了对比。结果表明,Nd-BR BR 9101 N符合Nd-BR原材料入厂检测要求,基本配合性能满足要求;在缺气保用轮胎支撑胶配方中使用Nd-BR BR 9101 N可等量替代Nd-BR CB 24,前者混炼胶的门尼黏度、焦烧时间、硫化特性和硫化胶老化前后物理机械性能等与后者的基本相当,相较于后者,前者硫化胶的老化性能有所提升,而压缩疲劳温升和压缩永久变形则均有所降低。由Nd-BR BR 9101 N研制的成品轮胎的高速耐久性能良好,可满足产品设计要求并超过国家标准规定,与现生产轮胎基本相当;此外,由Nd-BR BR 9101 N研制的成品轮胎的强度性能和零气压耐久性能良好,与现生产轮胎相比有所提升。
- Abstract:
The application of neodymium based cis-1,4-polybutadiene rubber (Nd-BR) BR 9101 N in the formula of support compound of run-flat tire was studied, and compared with those of foreign same type product Nd-BR CB 24. The results showed that Nd-BR BR 9101 N could meet the requirements for incoming inspection of Nd-BR raw material, and the basic compounding performance could be met. When Nd-BR BR 9101 N was used in the formula of support compound of run-flat tire to replace Nd-BR CB 24 with the same amount, Mooney viscosity, scorch time and curing characteristics of the former compound, and physical and mechanical property of Nd-BR BR 9101 N vulcanizate before and after aging were basically the same to those of the latter, and the aging performance of the former improved, whereas the compression fatigue temperature rise and compression set all reduced compared with those of the latter. The high-speed durability of finished tire made from Nd-BR BR 9101 N was good and could meet the product design requirements and exceeded the national standard regulations, which were basically equivalent to those of the existing production tire, in addition, the strength performance and zero-pressure durability of finished tire made from Nd-BR BR 9101 N improved compared with those of the existing production tire.
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