|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]杨子凡,王 晶,陈梦寒,等.改性纳米二氧化硅对天然橡胶机械性能的影响:实验与分子模拟[J].合成橡胶工业,2024,3:269.
 YANG Zi-fan,WANG Jing,CHEN Meng-han,et al.Effect of modified nano-silica on mechanical properties of natural rubber: Experiment and molecular simulation[J].China synthetic rubber industy,2024,3:269.





Effect of modified nano-silica on mechanical properties of natural rubber: Experiment and molecular simulation
杨子凡1王 晶12陈梦寒1徐颖淑1贾红兵1
1. 南京理工大学 软化学和功能材料教育部重点实验室,南京 210094; 2. 常州机电职业技术学院 模具技术学院,江苏 常州213164
YANG Zi-fan1 WANG Jing12 CHEN Meng-han1 XU Ying-shu1 JIA Hong-bing1*
1. Key Laboratory of Soft Chemistry and Functional Materials of Ministry of Education, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China; 2. Institute of Mold Technology, Changzhou Vocational Institute of Mechatronic Technology, Changzhou 213164, China
Nano-silica was a non-toxic and biocompatible inorganic filler, which could endow rubber with excellent tensile strength, thermal stability, and abrasion resistance[1]. How-ever, the rich polar groups of silanol in nano-silica reduced its compatibility with the matrix, so the modification of nano-silica was a necessary condition for the improvement of the mechanical properties of the composites. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation had become a new way to study the microstructure, properties, and mechanism of materials. The microscopic information of polymer matrix compo-sites was obtained by MD simulation to further predict its macroscopic properties. In this work, nano-silica/natural rubber (NR) nanocomposites were prepared by modifying nano-silica with 1-allyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (AMI). By combining experiment and MD simulation, the enhancement mechanism of mechanical properties of AMI-silica on NR was articulated at the molecular level. The typical formulation of nanocomposites was rubber 100 phr (mass, similarly hereinafter), nano-silica or AMI-silica 30 phr, antioxidant RD 1.4 phr, antioxidant 4010 NA 1.4 phr, ZnO 5 phr, stearic acid 2 phr, coumarone resin 2 phr, accelerator NS 1.2 phr, and sulfur 2.4 phr. In MD simulation, binding energy (Ebinding) was calculated through equation (1)[2]: Ebinding=-(Etotal-Efiller-Ematrix), (1)Where Etotal was the total energy of the system; Efiller was the energy of the filler; Ematrix was the energy of the rubber matrix. Ebinding of nano-silica/NR and AMI-silica/NR nanocomposites were calculated using MD simulation and the calculation results were lis-ted in Table 1. It was reported that the Ebinding between nano-silica and matrix depended on the contact area between them[3]. After modified by AMI, the dispersion of nano-silica in NR matrix became better, which increased the effective contact area between AMI-silica and NR matrix, resulting in the increase of Ebinding of AMI-silica/NR nanocomposite.Table 1 Tensile strength of NR, nano-silica/NR and AMI-silica/NR nanocomposites and Ebinding of nano-silica/NR and AMI-silica/NR nanocomposites■ It was also found from Table 1 that compared with NR, the tensile strength of nano-silica/NR nanocomposite was decreased by 33%, which was attributed to the agglomeration of nano-silica in NR. However, the tensile strength of AMI-silica/NR nanocomposite was 35% higher than that of NR. The hydrogen bonding interaction between silanol groups on the surface of nano-silica and AMI reduced the size of nano-silica aggregates and improved the dispersion of nano-silica, which was consistent with the MD simulation result of Ebinding[4]. Furthermore, the increase of effective contact area between AMI-silica and NR was beneficial to stress transfer, which made the mechanical properties of AMI-silica/NR nanocomposite improved significantly.


[1] Chen Ying, Peng Zheng, Kong Ling Xue, et al. Natural rubber nanocomposite reinforced with nano silica[J]. Polymer Engineering and Science, 2008, 48(9): 1674-1677.[2] Khongvit P, Orrasa I-N. Functionalized graphenes as nanofillers for polylactide: Molecular dynamics simulation study[J]. Polymer Composites, 2020, 41(1): 294-305.[3] Guo Guangzhi, Zhang Juning, Chen Xi, et al. Molecular-dyna-mics study on the thermodynamic properties of nano-SiO2 particle-doped silicone rubber composites[J]. Computational Materials Science, 2022, 212(1): 111571.[4] Wang Jingyi, Jia Hongbing, Ding Lifeng, et al. The mechanism of carbon-silica dual phase filler modified by ionic liquid and its reinforcing on natural rubber[J]. Polymer Composites, 2015, 36(9): 1721-1730.


更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01